Preparing for Spring


Spring is around the corner

It’s the subtle signs that remind us that even though there are a handful of weeks of winter left, we are rotating towards a warmer spring. The landscape might still be covered in snow but the yellow and purple of early crocuses are starting to add touches of vibrant color. The days are getting longer, and we’re progressively waking up to more light.

This is the perfect time to follow nature’s lead and awaken your true self. You’re invited to look inside yourself and experience your own rebirth. Here, are five nature-tuned ways to welcome in spring.


In Ayurvedic terms, spring is known as the kapha season, which moves from wet and cold during the equinox to wet and warm in June. Use your taste buds to help you to seamlessly transition into this kapha season. Let go of the heavier foods that have been comforting throughout winter (or vata season) like bread and heavy sauces in favor of honey, the sweet gold of kapha season, or roasted food. Sprinkle spices over every dish to dial up the heat!


Embracing yoga is another great ritual to prepare your body and mind for the rebirth of spring. The active practice of vinyasa yoga, with its natural link to kapha, is a perfect fit. Spend time moving through your sun salutations to welcome in the spring equinox, and if you’re feeling particularly eager, work up to 108 in a row as this is a highly symbolic number (but one that requires some building up to!).


The ultimate ritual to reconnect with the earth as spring draws near is to plant new flowers, herbs, or trees. Any space will do, whether you have a large garden or a pot on your windowsill. Watching plants emerge and tending to their growth will put you in closer touch with the rhythm of seasons. If you’re based around Boulder like us, we’d even recommend researching and planting native plants, like Asters.


Spring is not just about planting physical seeds but manifesting personal goals and seeds of hope. Write down your dreams and send them out to the universe, imagining what it would feel and look like to have them come to fruition.  


The arrival of spring is also the perfect time to reconnect with nature and go on long walks or hikes. Take advantage of the warmer temperatures and bring your loved ones with you - this is a great way to make space for revitalizing your relationships. We love bringing friends we didn’t see over the colder months on our favorite trails, sharing with them the first blossoms and the birds singing.   

This is time to nurture your joints so you can move more freely, and take care of your sinuses as the kapha season is often synonymous with a runny nose. Our Turmeric Curcumin with BioPerine is perfect for this, as the three components, traditional to an Ayurvedic diet, combine for ultimate protection.