Why Go Organic This Spring


This month marks the Spring Equinox, and we are inspired to soak in the revival that comes with spring as the days grow longer and wildflowers start blooming.

To match this awakening of life, we are focusing on rejuvenating our bodies from a winter of rest into this new season of energy by calling upon nature’s wisdom and gifts to support our health with our supplements and with organic foods.

We believe in the power of organic products so strongly that to create our supplements, we use Certified Organic ingredients whenever possible. Incorporating organic food and household products is also a wonderful practice we encourage to keep toxins out of our bodies and allow for the healing power of Mother Nature to guide our wellbeing. Today we’re sharing our three favorite reasons to go organic as we welcome in spring, including how it benefits your nutrition and how it impacts the environment.

It’s healthier.

Organic means no nasties as USDA Organic regulations have banned hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs from organic goods, including meat and veggies. In addition, the National Organic Standards Board has drawn a list of chemicals which farmers and industries aren’t allowed to use so they can claim the “organic” classification.

To put it simply, organic is cleaner, which means you don’t unwillingly ingest chemicals when you eat, and that you get maximum nutrition from your meal. Our Whole Food Biotin is made with Orgen-Bio® USDA-certified organic plant-based biotin, in a USDA Certified Organic facility so you get all its natural benefits with none of the questionable chemicals.

It’s better for the environment.

It’s not just about the chemicals that end up in your system - it’s also about the ones that end up polluting our soils and rivers. Organic is better for the ecosystem as insects, wildlife and organisms aren’t poisoned. And organic farming practices take us back to older techniques, which include crop rotation, ensuring more diverse crops, and meaning we keep the occasional wonky potatoes or crooked vegetable roots rather than throwing them out.

Supporting local organic farmers is wonderful for the community. Keep an eye out for farm-to-table programs which might deliver straight to your house. Or even better, go to the farm and choose your own vegetables!

It puts us more in touch with nature.

Going organic is also a great chance to experiment with gardening yourself and communing with nature. This can mean making sure you eat what is in season and local, thereby lessening the environmental impact of your food. Right now, it’s time to start sewing tomatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower indoors in Colorado, and as we get closer to the Spring equinox and the frost date passes, you’ll be able to plant even more. Nothing beats the joy of making a salad with cucumber and spinach you lovingly grew.  

Whether you’re planning to go full-on organic this year or to add in one organic product at a time, we are here to support you on your health journey. Find out more about our supplements here.