How to Make the Most of the Extra Daylight This Spring


Can you feel the air warming? As spring settles in, we are now closer to the summer solstice than the winter equinox. Energy is opening, flowers are in bloom, and earth is awake again. Light in the evenings lingers a little longer each day, giving us more opportunities to bask in the sun and explore the world. If you’re like the LifeGarden Naturals team, then you love the brighter evenings which allow for those favorite late spring and summer activities. Here are a few of our favorite ways to make the most of the extra daylight.

Take advantage of the hiking trails around you for a post-work walk.

During the winter, early sunsets means that hiking often gets relegated to the weekend, but there’s no better way to unwind after work than stretching your legs, getting fresh air, and having a change of scenery. We’re based in Boulder, and spoilt for choice when it comes to hiking trails. But no matter where you are, look for a local park to give you a healthy dose of outdoor space. And there’s no need to go all out and buy new hiking boots - even a simple stroll along a more nature-infused path does wonders to clear minds and rejuvenate the spirit.

Invite friends over for a barbecue in the backyard.

There’s nothing like the smell of barbecue wafting through the neighborhood to mark the impending summer season. Celebrate the later sunsets with good friends and family over a cheerful and fun barbecue meal. No matter your dietary restrictions, there are plenty of amazing recipes to please every belly and help make the space for growing deeper in community.

Test out your green thumb.

There’s no better time to garden than in the spring. The late light and blooming flowers means tending to your garden - or even a few planter boxes - is a great way to move your body and spend time in nature. Whether you plant vegetables or flowers, a little bit of time spent gardening yields beautiful - and delicious! - results.

Fuel your summer activities with LifeGarden Naturals supplements. We believe the best way to keep energy up is to do so with completely natural products, which is why every ingredient in every one of our supplements is all natural and Non-GMO. In addition, Certified Organic ingredients are used whenever possible. Shop our selection of supplements here and find the right match for your lifestyle.