An Interview with Kristy Riveland, Founder of LifeGarden Naturals

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This month we’re chatting with Kristy, LifeGarden Naturals’ founder to learn about the story behind the organization. She founded it to help people discover their own definition of wellness and live their most extraordinary life. She is the passion behind the brand and will do whatever it takes to source the finest and purest ingredients in every product. Read on to learn about the incredible story behind LifeGarden Naturals.

Why did you decide to found LifeGarden Naturals?

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to help people improve the quality of their lives. When I had the opportunity to create my own company, I was instantly attracted to the natural supplement market.  At the time there were few conscientious companies that I respected and trusted using excellent quality ingredients and transparency in their manufacturing.  I knew then that I wanted to create my own company equal to or greater than those standards to offer my customers the best quality natural, organic and non-GMO supplements to help empower them to live their most extraordinary lives.

During this time, my Mom was being treated with a low-level chemo drug to prevent melanoma from recurring in her body. She was taking a synthetic biotin to help improve her thinning hair and dry skin, so I did some research into what exactly it was.  What I found was not good.  I found that over 99% of the biotin on the market today is synthetic and made from undisclosed chemicals.  I made it my mission then to find a pure plant-based source of biotin that my Mom could take and not risk putting extra unnecessary chemicals into her body.  After a year of searching I located a USDA certified organic source of Biotin made from a species of tree and began production immediately.  Despite my best efforts, my organic Whole Food Biotin was ready for sale one month after my Mom died of cancer.  This has become a very special product inspired by my beautiful, loving Mom.  I have shared her love by providing a year’s supply of Whole Food Biotin to another mom undergoing treatment for cancer and I hope to share that love with many more. 

Tell us about the benefits of adding supplements into your health routine.

After World War II, agriculture using synthetic pesticides and herbicides became the dominant way food was grown around the world and still is today.  This method has weakened the delicate soil microbiome that healthy plants depend upon, leaching nutrients from the soil and overall reducing the nutrient density of most of the food we consume.  As humans, we still need the same amount of nutrients we did 100 years ago, but we can’t get as much from our food as we used to.  Organic farming is starting to return nutrients to the soil, but in the meantime, we can support our health by making up for this nutrient deficit with whole food supplements.

Why are the LifeGarden Naturals supplements ahead of the curve?

LifeGarden Naturals products and vision are ahead of the curve because they only contain whole food ingredients.  I have been a believer in food is medicine for most of my adult life.  Natural food-based supplements attract me because they are food that is concentrated or extracted from plants that can bring about extraordinary improvements in the body.  I choose to make supplements that are sourced from food, such as plants and herbs, whose benefits have been shown over time.  Some of the plants I use in my supplements have been known and utilized in indigenous and traditional cultures for thousands of years.

Why is it so important to look for organic and natural supplements?

It's very important to always look for natural and organic supplements because that is what our bodies are best designed to digest and utilize. Many supplements on the market are created from chemicals which are so difficult for the body to digest that the body simply eliminates most of the supplement.  Other supplements that are made from plants and herbs sometimes come from inferior sources, so they lack the nutrition that a consumer is expecting.  They may also be contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and unacceptable levels of heavy metals.  Buying organic means you can avoid these undesirable substances while keeping your liver from having to detox you from them.

What's your favorite part about running LifeGarden Naturals?

There are so many things I love about running LifeGarden Naturals, especially opportunities to hear from my fabulous customers about how my supplements are helping them reach their health goals. I also love deep diving into the research and development of each product so that I can bring my customers only the best, most pure and effective ingredients available anywhere.

When you're not working, how would we catch you spending your time?

When I’m not tirelessly pursuing the best ingredients in the world, I can usually be found spending time with my two beautiful children and husband, playing my Celtic harp somewhere out in nature, practicing yoga, or otherwise making the most of my extraordinary life in Colorado.

Thanks Kristy!

Learn more about the story behind LifeGarden Naturals here.